Religious liberty is on trial in America, both in legislative debates at the state and federal level and in court cases now working their way through the judicial system. Will American society continue to respect the religious freedom of traditional communities? Will the moral teachings and ritual practices of Jewish schools and synagogues face new kinds of scrutiny or even prohibitions? And what can Jewish leaders and activists do to help protect and preserve religious freedom in America—not only for Jews, but for all Americans?
Leonard Leo
Leonard is Executive Vice President of the Federalist Society, an organization of around 65,000 individuals advancing limited, constitutional government. Most recently, he has advised President Trump on judicial selection, helped to manage the Gorsuch selection and confirmation process, and served as a member of the transition team. He organized the outside coalition efforts in support of the Roberts and Alito U.S. Supreme Court confirmations, and, in 2004, was the Bush-Cheney Presidential Campaign's Catholic Strategist. Leonard was appointed by President George W. Bush to three terms to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom as Chairman. He was also a U.S. Delegate to the U.N. Council and U.N. Commission on Human Rights during the Bush Administration. Leonard was the recipient of the 2009 Bradley Prize, along with the other founders and directors of the Federalist Society, for his work in advancing freedom and the rule of law. He is the co-editor of Presidential Leadership: Rating the Best and the Worst in the White House, as well as the author of opinion editorials in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and Washington Post. Leonard holds degrees from Cornell University and Cornell Law School. He presently resides in Northern Virginia, where he and his wife Sally have raised their seven children.