Dr. Jonathan Haidt

Dr. Jonathan Haidt

Dr. Jonathan Haidt is a social psychologist at New York University’s Stern School of Business. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1992. Haidt’s research examines the intuitive foundations of morality and…

Hon. Nikki Haley

Hon. Nikki Haley

Nikki R. Haley is the Walter P. Stern Chair at the Hudson Institute. She previously served as United States ambassador to the United Nations, as a member of the president’s cabinet, and on the National Security…

Ben Sasse

Ben Sasse

Ben Sasse joined the University of Florida (UF) as a professor and 13th president of the 170-year-old institution in February 2023. During his tenure, Sasse moved swiftly to cultivate fresh leadership, construct a UF-wide strategic…

Dan Senor

Dan Senor

Daniel S. Senor is a bestselling author, host of the “Call Me Back” podcast, and a co-founder and member of the board of directors of the Foreign Policy Initiative. His most recent government position was…

Rabbi Dr. Meir Y. Soloveichik

Rabbi Dr. Meir Y. Soloveichik

Rabbi Dr. Meir Y. Soloveichik is a senior fellow at Tikvah, director of the Zahava and Moshael Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought at Yeshiva University, and senior rabbi of Congregation Shearith Israel, the…

Dr. Yuval Levin

Dr. Yuval Levin

Dr. Yuval Levin is the director of Social, Cultural, and Constitutional Studies at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where he also holds the Beth and Ravenel Curry Chair in Public Policy. The founder and editor of…

Hon. Elliott Abrams

Hon. Elliott Abrams

The Honorable Elliott Abrams is the chairman of Tikvah, as well as chairman of the Vandenberg Coalition and senior fellow for Middle Eastern studies at the Council on Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C. He served…

Dr. Ruth Wisse

Dr. Ruth Wisse

Recently retired from her position as Martin Peretz professor of Yiddish Literature and professor of Comparative Literature at Harvard, Professor Wisse is currently a distinguished senior fellow at Tikvah, where she writes regularly for Mosaic,…

Eric Cohen

Eric Cohen

Eric Cohen is the CEO of Tikvah, which he has led since 2007, and co-chairman of the Jewish Leadership Conference. He is the publisher of Mosaic and also serves on the board of directors of…

Jonathan Silver

Jonathan Silver

Dr. Jonathan Silver is the chief programming officer at Tikvah, where he is also the Warren R. Stern senior fellow of Jewish Civilization. The editor of Mosaic, he is the host of the